Today I went for my annual check up at the dentist, and now have ultra smooth teeth. I wonder how long they'll stay like this. I took Bob along too He'll be 18 in August, so next time he'll have to deal with it all himself.
I remember the first time I took him to the dentist. He was 2 years old. I only took him along to get him used to the idea of dentists, and looking after teeth. I had my annual check up, and he sat on the floor just outside the treatment room. From time to time he peeked round the door, to keep an eye on me. He was not at all sure about it all. In the end, he consented to sit on the chair, on my knee, and the dentist made a pretence of examining Bob's teeth. Then Bob got the free gifts - a toothbrush, some toothpaste and a small car. Dentists got into the category of places you go that aren't that bad.
In the USA, he had to go to a pedriatic dentist. For us, this was weird. Bob was not impressed. He was 13, and did not get the jokey clothes and nursery school atmosphere. He did not want to have his milk tooth extracted, but realised this needed to be done. He thought the dentist was a complete idiot, and it has to be said she talked to him in the same way that I talk to our hamster. After the treatment, he was offered "kids stuff", and his tooth in a special tooth fairy box. I took him home for lunch, then I took him back to school. When I got back to the house, the dog we were looking after had eaten the tooth. That dog would eat anything!
Today the trip to the dentist was uneventful, dull, and perfect!
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