Monday 19 December 2011

Christmas Trees

Should Christmas trees have themes?  We were asked what the theme of ours was going to be this year. We laughed, as ours never has a theme. We have a collection of baubles, fairies and assorted tree finery, that we bring out every December. Each year we add a new decoration, and we enjoy talking about where and when we got the old ones. If there is a theme, it is nostalgia and family history. The other principle of our tree is that it should not be tasteful, absolutely not. We enjoy the home made decorations made by the kids when they were much younger, and which tend to the tacky, to be honest. We have noticed over the years, that we have lots of fairies, and one or two rather idiosyncratic decorations that were chosen by the kids at some time or other: a dragon, an apple, a ladybird, a rather blowsy mermaid.  I love peeking at other people's trees through windows, and I enjoy all the trees, but I secretly enjoy ours most.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think that sounds very festive! Same as our tree; a bit random, but bedecked in memories...
